Sawable / Crushable / Laminable Pine Log

Species: pine

FSC® Certification: Yes

Origin: Argentina


Species: pine

Diameter: 15-25cm / 25-30cm / >30cm / 30-35cm

Technical Specifications:

Pine Specs
Crushable Log Log, 5 to 15 cm long, fine-tipped, unpruned log
Sawable Log Log, 15 to 25 cm long, fine-tipped, unpruned log
Sawable Log Log, 25 to 30 cm long, fine-tipped, unpruned log
Laminable Log Log, 30 to 35 cm long, fine-tipped, unpruned log
Laminable Log Log, >30 cm long, fine-tipped, pruned log


FSC® Certification: Yes

Origin: Argentina