Species: eucalyptus
Diameter: 5-12 cm/ 12-15 cm/ 15-19 cm/19-21cm
Technical Specifications:
Biomass | Chip |
Biomass | Firewood. Diameter 5 to 12 cm, fine-tipped, unpruned log |
Thin sawable Log | Log. Diameter 12 to 15 cm, fine-tipped, unpruned log |
Thick sawable Log | Log. Diameter 15 to 19 cm, fine-tipped, unpruned log |
Thin Laminable Log | Log. Diameter 19 cm or more, fine-tipped, unpruned log |
Thick Laminable Log | Log. Diameter 19 to 21 cm, fine-tipped, unpruned log |
FSC® Certification: Yes
Origin: Paraguay